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    How to look up a word from the home page index:
    (suitable for sporadic users)
    Look at the letters at the top of this page.
    2. --
    Click on a the first letter of the word you want.
    Wait for the page to load up.
    4. a. 
    If there is a choice of files, click on the one for your word and wait for the page to load up. Then scroll down to your word.
    4. b. 
    If there is no choice of files, wait  for the page to load up. 
    Then scroll down to your word.

    How to look up a word through Direct Search: 
    (suitable for regular users with a fast modem connection)
    Go to directsearch.htm
    Look for the word nearest to the one you're looking for and click on it.

    Wait  for the page to load up. Then scroll  to your target word.

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    (for people who want to receive a list of business expressions)

    Click here and  send an e-mail with "Subscribe me to the English / Spanish Wordlist" as subject.  Please explain why you want to receive this list in the body of the mail. You'll receive the list of business words once a month.

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