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Glosario de Negocios Castellano Inglés por A.D. Miles 

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Vocablos Agregados Durante 2002
Palabras recientes que aún no aparecen en el glosario de Internet

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asamblea anual |annual general meeting, annual meeting, annual stockholders meeting (US).


junta anual |annual general meeting, annual meeting.


parque científico |science park.


contrato de llave en mano |turnkey contract, turnkey job.


contrato permanente |evergreen contract.


crédito permanente |evergreen credit.


junta anual de accionistas |annual general meeting, annual meeting, annual shareholders meeting (UK), annual stockholders meeting (US).


desestacionalizado| seasonally adjusted.


auspiciar| sponsor.


auspicio| sponsorship.


custodia | (1) custody, safekeeping (2) escort, group of bodyguards, wardens, etc.  (3) escort, bodyguard, warden, guard (Arg.).


custodio |escort, bodyguard, warden, guard.


débito directo| direct debit, automated funds transfer.


desestacionalizar| seasonally adjust.


desestimar| disallow.


documento rechazado| item returned.


esponsorización| sponsorship.


esponsorizar| sponsor.


falta de fondos| lack of funds, non-sufficient funds.


mantenimiento correctivo| corrective maintenance.


mercado extrabursátil  |  third market, over-the-counter market.


patrocinio| sponsorship.


rechazar un cheque| return a cheque or check, dishonour a cheque or check.


rechazar una moción| reject a motion, defeat a motion.


telefax| fax.


efecto colateral| side effect.


viaje redondo| round trip.


todo incluido| all inclusive.


mayoreo| wholesale.


menudeo| retail.


blindaje | (1) armour (2) shielding (3) poison pill (4) golden parachute, attribute of agreements whereby employees must be paid large sums if made redundant.


entrenador |trainer.


entrenador personal |(1) coach (2) personal trainer.


blindaje antiopa |poison pill.


administración del riego |risk management.


franquiciante |franchiser or franchisor.


rechazar| (1) reject, turn down (2) return, dishonour or dishonor.


rechazo| nonacceptance, rejection.


franquiciatario |franchisee.


dirección de riesgos |risk management.


entidad colocadora |underwriter.


impreso |(1) n. printed form (2) p.p. printed.


exposición al riesgo |risk exposure.


prima de riesgo |risk premium.


impreso de ingreso |pay-in slip (US), paying-in slip (UK), deposit slip.


cláusula de ajuste |escalation clause, escalator clause.


blindaje de un contrato|inclusion of  golden parachute clauses in a contract.


compra hostil |hostile takeover.


contrato blindado|golden parachute, contract whereby employees must be paid large sums if made redundant.


acción de oro |golden share or stock.




custodia de acciones|custody of shares or stock.


logística inteligente | intelligent logistics.


grabable | writeable.


mantenimiento predictivo| predictive maintenance.


entidad certificadora | certifying authority.




valor patrimonial negativo |negative equity.


patrimonio neto negativo |negative equity.


desarrollo industrial| industrial development.


bono de desarrollo industrial| industrial development bond.


regrabable | rewriteable.


disco grabable | writeable disk.


disco regrabable | rewriteable disk.


IDI | = investigación, desarrollo e innovación RD&I, research, development and innovation.


API | = agente de la propiedad inmobiliaria real-estate agent.


agente de la propiedad inmobiliaria | real-estate agent.


IDT |  = investigación, desarrollo y tecnología RD&T, research, development and technology.


mantenimiento preventivo| preventive maintenance.


post-consumo | post-consumption.


recogida selectiva | selective collection.


riesgo laboral | occupational hazard.


agente de fletamento | charter broker.


mejora continua | continuous improvement, ongoing improvement.


higiene industrial | industrial hygiene, industrial health.


higiene en el trabajo | industrial hygiene, industrial health.


extrusión | extrusion.


sinterizar | sinter.


sinterización | sintering.


ingeniería inversa | reverse engineering.


vigilancia tecnológica | technological watch.


sociedad pública | state-owned company, government company, public company, public corporation.


diligencia debida | due diligence.


sin fines de lucro | non-profit making (UK), non-profit (US).


políticamente incorrecto  | politically incorrect.


foro de reflexión | think tank.


políticamente correcto  | politically correct.


formación continua | ongoing training.


formación en el trabajo | on-the-job training.


capacitación continuada | ongoing training.


capacitación en el trabajo | on-the-job training.


asociación sin fines de lucro | non-profit making association (UK), non-profit association (US).


corporación pública | public corporation.


entidad sin fines de lucro | non-profit making entity (UK), non-profit entity (US).


diseño de datos |  data modelling.


Instituto Nacional de Estadística |  central statistical office, government body responsible for collecting and publishing statistics.


INE | = Instituto Nacional de Estadística central statistical office, government body responsible for collecting and publishing statistics.


pronosticar | forecast.


entrenar | train.


pronóstico | forecast.


dolarización | conversion of monetary items into dollars, dollarization.


dolarizar | convert monetary items into dollars.


interfaz de usuario |  user interface.


ponderación |  weighting.


propietario del contenido |  content owner.


preventa |  presale.


demanda de menor cuantía |  small value claim.


menor cuantía | low value, small value.


contenido | content.


en préstamo | on loan.

crecimiento anual annual growth.


Bº, bº | = beneficio profit, earnings, benefit, gain.


suspensión de pagos | a legal process whereby an organization is temporarily managed by an administrator appointed by the court, filing for bankruptcy protection, filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection (US).


dieta de viaje | travelling allowance (US), travelling allowance (UK).


dieta de locomoción | transport allowance.


dieta de transporte | transport allowance.


dieta de estancia | lodging allowance.


dieta de manutención | allowance for meals.


dietario | (1) diary, agenda, engagement book (2) account book, ledger.


cesación de pagos |  a legal process whereby an organization is temporarily managed by an administrator appointed by the court, filing for bankruptcy protection, filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection (US).


procedimiento de quiebra |  bankruptcy proceedings.


desagio |  reduction of value calculated according to the expected inflation rate.


corrida |  run, massive withdrawal or sale of assets.


corrida bancaria |  run on banks, massive withdrawal of bank deposits.


corrida bursátil |  massive sale of shares or stock.


corrida cambiaria | massive sale of currency.


servicio de recepción de llamadas | answering service.


contestador telefónico | answering machine.


caja de archivo | filing box.


resaltador | highlighter.


cartucho de tinta | ink cartridge.


alfombrilla de ratón | mouse pad.


carpeta de anillas | ring binder.


goma elástica | rubber band.


bancarizar | convert a cash-based payment and collection system into a bank-based system.


sello de goma | rubber stamp.


índice de teléfonos | telephone index.


anticresis | antichresis.


pesificación | conversion of monetary items into pesos.


pesificar  |  convert monetary items into pesos.


pre-producción  |  pre-production.


post-producción  |  postproduction.


bancarización  |  conversion of a cash-based collection and payment system  into a bank-based system.


corralito  |  restrictions on cash withdrawals from banks.

confirming  |  confirming.


carta de confirmación  |  confirming letter.


bono  |  (1) bond (2) voucher, coupon.


bono contribución  |  charity contribution coupon, voucher given in exchange for a contribution to a club, charity etc.


bono de tesorería  |  (1) government bond, treasury bond, exchequer bond (UK) (2) portfolio bond, debenture bond.


SWIFT o swift  |  SWIFT or swift.


código swift  |  swift code.


acuerdo de confidencialidad  |  confidentiality agreement, non-disclosure agreement.


valor facial  |  face value.


certificado de finalización de obra  |  final works certificate.


cifra global  |  whole figure.


código de entidad  |  sort code.


contribución marginal  |  marginal contribution.


letra imprenta  |  block capital.


mercado terciario  |  third market.


Plan Marshall  |  Marshall Plan.


suelto  |  small change.


valor agregado de mercado  |  market value added.


valor agregado económico  |  economic value added.


valor añadido de mercado  |  market value added.


valor añadido económico  |  economic value added.


valor de crecimiento futuro  |  future growth value.


pronto pago  |  prompt payment.


responsabilidad tributaria  |  tax obligation, tax liability.

gerente de administración  |  administration manager, administration director.

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